I would like wish everyone a merry christmas and a very very good new year! I will be back in 2o13 with lots of interesting photography. See you in 2013!!!

Joey L’s Holy Men
Above the video shot during a visit to India by Joey L and his crew. He visited India to continue his series Holy Men. A portrait series of the men that leave their ordinary and material lives behind and set out to find spirituality. A truly wonderful series. As they put it themselves, they photograph something that seems ancient but is non the less happening in the present. If I think of India, I think busy places, noises, all kinds of aromas. But the photographs by Joey shows a peacefulness. Perhaps the spiritual lives of these Holy Men resonates through the photography of Joey L.
Joey L’s website: www.joeyl.com

Plastic Pacific
The natural world is probably the most photographed subject there is. And the natural world below the ocean surface still holds many secrets. But this natural world is under constant attack. Under attack by us. Pollution is one of the biggest unnatural phenomenas that is invading the habitat of many living organisms. To bring more attention to this issue, photographer Kim Preston created the series Plastic Pacific. In which she shows sea life acted out by plastic objects. As if the war on territory has been won by the plastic creations of men. I believe her message comes across in a very creative and effective way. It makes you think about not only sea life but perhaps also about your own behavior. Kim Preston was inspired by the so called Pacific Trash Vortex. An area of about the size of Texas which is floating in the North Pacific Ocean.
Kim Preston’s website: photography.kp-creative.com

The Best Photo Books of 2012
The year is coming to a close. And the holiday season is in full swing. Time for that special gift for that special someone. Or perhaps for yourself. If you are not sure what to get this year, keeping in mind that some even believe this will be our last year…ever, this might be a good time for that special gift. Photo-Eye Magazine has published The Best Books of 2012. A selection of books chosen by a large group of experts, editors and photographers. Among them Martin Parr, Erik Kessels, Todd Hido and Alec Soth.

Today is a memorable day for me: Article number 100!
What started as a passion project, to share my passion of photography, has developed into a blog with many visitors. Just shy of 20.000. And from all around the world. I’d like to thank all you photography enthusiasts for coming to PforPHOTO!
I started this blog to see how it would turn out. And seeing that many others are intereseted in the art of photography I am planning to keep on going. I would also like to use this moment to ask for your input. If anyone has anything that they would like to see on PforPHOTO please let me know! I’m also looking for guest bloggers to create posts for PforPHOTO. So if you have a keen eye for wonderful photography and know how to write about it, please let me know. You can email me or just leave a comment.
Again thank you and I hope to see you again on PforPHOTO!

Cue the tune for Jaws
Los Angeles based photographer Michael Muller is a big fan of the outdoors. And being a photographer with a great knowledge of lighting techniques he shot some extraordinary photos. Timeless as he puts it. We’ve all seen photographs or footage of the great white shark. But all shot with available light. Michael Muller went out there to shoot this majestic animal with strobes. And the resulting images are just amazing. Visit his website to see more of the photos Michael took of sharks. And other wild life. Below you’ll also find an inspirational video of Michael Muller talking about his work at the Luminance 2012 conference.
Michael Muller’s website: www.mullerphoto.com

Femke’s World
Femke van Veen’s project 365 was featured earlier on PforPHOTO. Last month her 365 blog has reached over 10.000 visitors. On behalf of PforPHOTO I would like to congratulate Femke on this milestone! The project is still ongoing since the 365 days haven’t been reached. So many more wonderful photographs to come. Please check it out if you can find the time. Femke really has a creative mind and knows how to transfer her ideas and experiences into wonderful photographs. Below both the link to her portfolio website and her blog.
365 blog: femkevanveen.blogspot.nl
Femke’s website: www.femkevanveen.com